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Healing Journey

A Capital Campaign

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S.A.F.E. House Strengths

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Of the many strengths of S.A.F.E. House, first and foremost is its mission: To shelter and empower survivors of intimate partner domestic violence.  


The Individuals we Serve – It is the courageous and brave individuals who took the step to make the call for shelter and a safe place to escape the family violence. These individuals, without a doubt, compile the strength and backbone of S.A.F.E. House, and they are why our staff and board members are so driven to help.


Our Staff - They are each strong, compassionate, and driven by




To shelter and empower survivors of intimate partner domestic violence

Our Board of Directors - They are compassionate and an engaging group of individuals. They offer gifts of time and expertise to S.A.F.E. House and through this, they provide overarching support to the mission of the organization and to the staff who provide our services.

The City of Community Kindness – When times get tough, the people in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas never fail to step up and help. Coming together, as a collective group, especially, during a time of crisis, the people in our city never hesitate to aid and support others – never.

The Project

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Healing Journey Capital Campaign – This project will include upgrading and remodeling the eight cottages on the shelter campus. By improving the shelter sleeping and living space, survivors have an increased chance of recovering from their crisis. The planned project would include:

  • Upgrading the plumbing systems

  • Upgrading the HVAC system

  • Upgrading electrical systems

  • Add a permanent wall (where currently the sleeping spaces are separated by a curtain), to create two private living and sleeping spaces

  • Adding an additional entrance

  • Adding an additional bathroom


Security, privacy, and a sense of “home” are important to most people, like you and I; it is equally if not more important and critical to the individuals we serve. 

It is important to note, that while, the intent of the project is to offer a safe and private space for shelter residents. S.A.F.E. House will concurrently recognize a savings in expenses related to maintaining the cottages because of the modern and energy efficient systems that will be installed. 

Cottages 2.PNG

Resident Snapshot

Challenges at

S.A.F.E. House

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Aging Facility – The S.A.F.E. House facility is more than 100 years old. Early in the 1900’s the facility began as a tuberculosis center. 

Design and Layout of S.A.F.E. House – Like many shelters, facilities are generally repurposed from its original use. The initial plan and design were never meant to serve survivors of intimate partner domestic violence. While S.A.F.E. House is always grateful for the gifts and donations entrusted to us, we’ve made do with what we have. 

Communal Living and Sleeping Space - By improving shelter environments, survivors have an increased chance of recovering from their crisis. The primary purpose of this project and space redesign is to offer privacy, personal space, and the ability for shelter residents to control their environment. Poor space functionality affects victims of domestic violence psychologically as well as physically and emotionally (Baker, Cook & Norris, 2003). The goal is to create an environment where survivors feel comfortable, a place where survivors can “start over” and begin their journey of healing, feeling empowered and independent. A space that is free from potential triggers that are often brought on by sharing space with complete strangers.

Intimate Partner Violence on the Rise – Violence in the family home is prevalent in New Mexico. Albuquerque Law Enforcement reports that Domestic Violence in 2018, increased by 18%.


Planning Through The Pandemic

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COVID-19 and S.A.F.E. House – Like most non-profits across the globe, the novel Coronavirus has had a profound impact, turning lives and businesses upside down. In the past months, we have had to restructure our way of conducing supportive services. COVID-19 forced us to change our priorities. The safety and health of shelter residents became magnified and all encompassing. In a time of deep economic hardship and physical and mental distress – when our services are most needed – S.A.F.E. House staff continues to show up to work every single day. We know we are essential workers. We know there is a risk. We plan for the worst and hope for the best. We continue to see the future through a hopeful lens. 

COVID-19 and Planned Fundraisers – We started off strong and with purpose! S.A.F.E. House had already been notified that they were selected to be recipients of two major golf tournaments. And, planning was well on its way for their annual, signature fundraiser – Birdhouse for S.A.F.E. House. All sights were set on raising the necessary funds for the capital campaign project. But then, COVID-19 hit, and all was sidelined. We have had to educate ourselves on fundraising in a different way – virtually. 

Campaign Goal: $1.8 Million

During our most recent fiscal year, we sheltered:

  • 757 unduplicated individuals

    • 394 (52%) being children aged 17 or younger 

  • 88% of the residents’ household incomes qualified through HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) as “extremely-low” (echoing Bernalillo County’s 20% poverty rate)

  • 100% of the residents experienced homelessness resulting from intimate partner domestic violence.

  • On average, the daily count shows that more  than half of the shelter population are children.

The S.A.F.E. House Board of Directors and Leadership Staff are proud to be leading this effort.

Campaign Leadership

Donate to this Campaign

The Healing Journey Campaign will only be possible through the generosity of our community.  Please consider a gift of funds to S.A.F.E. House using the form below.

Contact Us

505.247.4219 (Local) 800.773.3645 (Toll-Free)


P.O. Box 25363

Albuquerque, NM 87125


If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please call our 24/7 hotline.
505.247.4219 (Local) 800.773.3645 (Toll-Free)
Our staff are standing by to assist you in any way possible.

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S.A.F.E. House, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 registered non-profit

EIN: 85-0247473

© 1976 - 2021 by S.A.F.E. House, Inc. 


Disclaimer: To protect confidentiality and safety, S.A.F.E. House does not use real photos or names

of our residents or their children for promotional purposes. 

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