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The Signs of Abuse

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Learn the Signs of Abuse

Learning the signs of abuse can help you recognize and realize when you or someone you know is experiencing intimate partner domestic violence.

Says hurtful things to you

Isolates you from others

Gets angry or upset easily

Name-calling, emotional games

Spreads rumors or tells lies


Often criticizes you, puts you down

Force, physical and sexual violence


Acts intimidating, threatens you

Blames you or others for problems

Uses jealousy to justify actions

Smashes, hits, or kicks objects

Embarrasses you in public or private

Help Educate the Community!

If you would like to help educate the community or share the Signs of Abuse with a loved one, please download the social media graphics below.

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Contact Us

505.247.4219 (Local) 800.773.3645 (Toll-Free)


P.O. Box 25363

Albuquerque, NM 87125


If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please call our 24/7 hotline.
505.247.4219 (Local) 800.773.3645 (Toll-Free)
Our staff are standing by to assist you in any way possible.

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S.A.F.E. House, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 registered non-profit

EIN: 85-0247473

© 1976 - 2021 by S.A.F.E. House, Inc. 


Disclaimer: To protect confidentiality and safety, S.A.F.E. House does not use real photos or names

of our residents or their children for promotional purposes. 

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